God’s Way of Victory: Why Our Warfare is Not Carnal

God’s Way of Victory: Why Our Warfare is Not Carnal


In the journey to fulfilling our destinies, we face challenges and hurdles that make us feel it is impossible to achieve our dreams. Closed doors, missed opportunities, and lack of connections are some of the issues we encounter in our careers, jobs, institutions, companies, and ministries. These hurdles create discouragement and put us in a state of despair. Perhaps it is the next paycheck, loan, investment, destiny helper, or minister you are expecting to change your current situation. You might imagine that an encounter with that man of God will change your life forever. That big promotion could seem like the solution to get you out of debt and secure a good future for your family. Or maybe you believe that next big article or book will finally expose you to the world.

However, most times, we fail to realize the greatest mystery of God lies in using the least expected people to elevate us. That enemy or unbeliever may be the very person God uses for your breakthrough. The spiritual father you ignore might hold the key to your blessing. That Indian or Chinese investor could be the one who helps you get out of debt, regardless of your religious or cultural differences. Even that witch or person with an evil eye may be a vessel God uses to turn your life around.

God’s hand of deliverance often comes from the least expected places and people. You must understand that our warfare is not carnal and that God uses our enemies as doors of opportunity to elevate us.

Preamble: Who is the Enemy

In scenarios where a boss is mean, an investor refuses to invest, a competitor seeks evil powers through witchcraft to fight your business or company, a man of God rejects you as a spiritual son, or a political leader oppresses the masses, what are we left to do? Many believers end up waging spiritual warfare against these “kings,” failing to realize that such carnal wars are never truly won.

Those who pursue these paths might achieve temporary success—getting that boss replaced, securing a new job, or electing a new political leader. Yet, these solutions are rarely sustainable in the journey to fulfilling our destinies. Why? Because after the new job or leader comes new challenges, similar to those fought before. This creates an endless cycle of warfare that can persist for a lifetime.

Sadly, doctrines of altars, bloodline curses, and generational curses often stem from these warfare strategies. Some believers focus their prayers on attacking evil altars, breaking bloodline ties, and combating all sorts of perceived spiritual hindrances to their success. They attribute failures and obstacles to familiar spirits, demons, evil foundations, and curses.

Divine Wisdom in Warfare

Is it wrong to wage such wars? Certainly not. But there is a better way to overcome in life. The devil is highly deceptive and cunning, often leading us to fight battles against things that may not even exist, frustrating us and diverting us from discovering the truth.

Others resort to physical confrontations—arguments, debates, lawsuits, defamation, and slander—in attempts to fight or defend themselves. While they justify these actions, they fail to recognize that our battles are not against flesh and blood.

The satanic kingdom is vast but ultimately a mimic, as Satan cannot create. True victory lies in rising above the satanic kingdom and utilizing the power and dominion given to us through Jesus Christ. Many mistakenly treat those holding the keys to their success as enemies, not understanding that our warfare is not carnal.

By perceiving these individuals as enemies, they overlook one of Christ’s most fundamental teachings: how to treat and live with our enemies. When we align with these teachings, blessings and breakthroughs naturally flow into our lives.

The Messianic Wisdom: Love Your Enemy

The teachings of Jesus are clear on how we should treat our enemies. Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’” (Matthew 5:38).
Verse 39 continues, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”
In verse 44, Jesus commands, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Jesus emphasized the importance of praying for our enemies and not repaying evil with evil. The perfection of love and Christianity lies in loving our enemies and those who act against the children of God. Our status as sons and daughters of the Kingdom depends on our ability to love the unrighteous and evildoers.

Overcoming Adversity

In moments of conflict, we are called to respond with gentleness. Proverbs 15:1 teaches, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Similarly, our love for our neighbors should prevent us from testifying against them or seeking vengeance, as Proverbs 24:29 warns: “Do not say, ‘I’ll do to them as they have done to me; I’ll pay them back for what they did.’”

These responses—rooted in humility, kindness, and grace—disarm our adversaries and strip them of the power to cause further harm. By choosing love over retaliation, we embody the true spirit of Christianity and unlock the blessings and breakthroughs that come through obedience to God’s Word.

Paul similarly builds on this teaching by instructing the Romans not to repay evil for evil. He emphasizes that it is not the role of Christians to seek revenge on those who wrong them, for vengeance belongs to the Lord. As he states in Romans 12:20: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.”

By showing such acts of kindness, Paul echoes Proverbs 25:22: “In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” This principle reminds believers that you cannot overcome evil by responding with evil; evil is only conquered through good.

Aligning with Christ: The Source of True Triumph

To truly triumph over evil, one must align with the ultimate source of goodness—the person of Jesus Christ. He is the example and strength we need to practice kindness, love, and forgiveness even toward those who oppose or harm us.

The church in Thessalonica received a similar admonition from Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:15, where he urged Christians not to render evil for evil to anyone, including unbelievers. Peter also emphasized the importance of responding to evildoers with good and pursuing peace, as these actions are directly tied to our blessings. In 1 Peter 3:9-12, the Bible reminds us that in every relationship, we must cultivate goodness and turn away from practicing evil.

Workplace incivility, violence, enmity, and political strife often arise when people seek to repay evil with evil. Even men of God sometimes fall into this trap, attacking one another to defend their reputations. Religious wars are fought on similar grounds, as individuals from different religions or denominations strive to uphold their faith. Instead of seeking peace, they engage in actions that embrace evil, forfeiting the blessings and rewards that come from God.

In the political sphere, people are often eager to replace leaders in pursuit of change. However, it is time to start viewing these so-called enemies as opportunities orchestrated by God to propel us toward our destinies. As children of God perfected in Christ, we must recognize that these adversaries may hold the keys to our next promotion, career progression, ideal marriage partner, political breakthrough, or advancement in ministry.

How God Uses Enemies to Elevate You

The Bible declares that when a person’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even their enemies live at peace with them (Proverbs 16:7). This profound scripture reveals that if you walk righteously and align your decisions with God’s will, He will grant you the grace to transform enemies into allies.

When you love and bless your enemies, as Jesus taught, the Lord releases favor, even among those who oppose you. Acts of kindness toward a mean colleague or an oppressive employer are pleasing in God’s sight. The humility you demonstrate toward those who reject your opinions in church plays a vital role in elevating your status and turning your opposers into vessels of grace.

This principle aligns with David’s declaration in Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” By walking in righteousness, God creates an atmosphere where even your enemies cannot find fault in you. Without their awareness, they begin to show you favor and, ultimately, become instruments of God in elevating you to the next level of your destiny.

Such divine favor and peace are not just blessings for you but also evidence of God’s power to transform hearts and circumstances. When we align with His ways, we unlock a new grace to walk confidently among our adversaries, knowing that God uses all situations—even opposition—for our good.

God Turns the Heart of a King

The Bible says in Proverbs 21:1: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes.” In this context, a “king” is a broad term referring to a political leader, employer, business owner, man of God, or anyone in a position to influence and help fulfill your destiny.

According to His purpose, God directs the hearts of kings to align with the destinies of His people. As Romans 8:28 reminds us, “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” When you align yourself with God’s will and purpose, you position yourself to receive favor from those in authority. As long as you operate within God’s plans, He will guide the hearts of those who hold the keys to your breakthrough and the fulfillment of your destiny.

Kings—or those in positions of influence—serve as channels of grace and doors to our destinies. They provide platforms and opportunities for advancement. When God turns their hearts, it is important to understand that their words carry power and authority. These words can break the chains of captivity and remove the limitations that hold us back.

If you find yourself stuck in your career, ministry, or another area of life, remember that a “king” must often speak over your situation to enable your liberation and progress. While many of us long for God to speak directly into our lives, He frequently appoints kings—leaders or influencers—as vessels to deliver His message and guidance.

The Divine Principle of Favor Through Authority

Understanding this divine principle is key to navigating your path to destiny. Trust that God holds the hearts of those in authority and will direct them to fulfill His purpose for your life.

You need to understand two important things when God wants to turn the heart of a king to favor you. Firstly, every authority is appointed or sanctioned by God. When we resist governing authorities, we resist the ordinances of God and bring judgment upon ourselves (Romans 13:1-2). Therefore, whether in the workplace, ministry, or any other governing body to which we are subject, all powers and authorities are established by God, and we must be submissive to them rather than fighting or resisting them.

Secondly, where the word of a king is, there is power (Ecclesiastes 8:4). This scripture reveals that every governing authority has the power to issue a decree without being answerable to anyone. The words of these kings or governing bodies are authoritative and powerful. Understanding this, you should position yourself to have them speak in your favor rather than against you. When God speaks, He uses these authorities and powers to carry out His will.

Regardless of how these authorities might speak, one important fact remains: they are instrumental in fulfilling what God intends for your career, job, ministry, marriage, or any other area requiring advancement. In other words, because of their position, they have the power and mandate to speak as God speaks. Thus, you are better off having these authorities speak for you rather than fighting them and risking them speaking against you. Even if the authoritative figure is your enemy, remember that God can make them be at peace with you and turn their hearts to favor you.

Daniel and the King’s Decree

Such was the case with Daniel in the lion’s den. God turned the king’s decree to favor Daniel, even though there was an initial plot to use the king’s word to kill him. Among the three presidents appointed by King Darius, Daniel stood out with an excellent spirit that made the king consider setting him as ruler over the entire realm. The chief ministers and satraps knew that Daniel was incorruptible and could not be charged with wrongdoing to displace him from his position.

Cunningly, all the officials conspired to have Daniel thrown into the den of lions by persuading the king to issue a decree. The king signed and issued an edict that no one should pray to any god or human being except to him, under penalty of being thrown into the lion’s den. When Daniel was found in violation of this statute, he faced the dire consequence. Yet, God sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions, sparing Daniel’s life. The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. In a turn of events, the king commanded that the conspirators be thrown into the den in Daniel’s place. Most importantly, the king issued another decree declaring that all the people in his kingdom must fear and revere the God of Daniel (Daniel 6:1-26).

Many of us today have faced similar situations to that of Daniel. We have worked diligently in service to our jobs, businesses, and ministries, demonstrating our expertise, skills, and talents for the benefit of our organizations, communities, and institutions. Such dedication has set us apart and led to promotions and opportunities to serve before influential figures. However, individuals with evil intentions may conspire against us to undermine or destroy us. It is crucial to understand the full counsel of God, for it is in such situations that God uses the king’s decree to work in our favor.

God will turn the very conspiracies against us to serve our good. He will customize and transform the words of the king, which were meant to destroy, into blessings that build us up and glorify His name. Because of the power inherent in the word of a king, God will use those words to open doors for our advancement and promotion.

Do not wage war against the conspirators. Instead, like Daniel, go to your secret place; three times a day, kneel down and pray, giving thanks to God, just as you have always done (Daniel 6:10). Thanksgiving is the most powerful prayer that provokes doors to open and turns the king’s decree in your favor. Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but by giving thanks to God, we invite His intervention to promote us and glorify His name even in the presence of our enemies.

  • God Uses the Heart of the King to Favor You

God wants to turn the heart of the king to favor you. He wants to use that enemy or adversary to reveal His glory. This is the hidden wisdom of God in our spiritual warfare because it is not in His nature to act carnally or use wisdom that leads to folly. You do not need to engage in arguments in the workplace or devise defensive strategies to protect your reputation from colleagues or business competitors. Recognize that these challenges are doors that God opens for your elevation, while others face demotion—just as Daniel was lifted from the lion’s den while his conspirators were thrown into it. This is God’s way of raising some and disposing of others.

  • Embrace Gratitude in the Face of Adversity

In your prayers, adopt an attitude of gratitude and joy. This is the same spirit expressed by the psalmist in Psalm 2:

Verse 1: “Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain?”

Verse 2: “The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed.”

Verse 4: “The one enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”

Verses 5-6: “He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, ‘I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.’”

  • Fear Not; God Has Already Prepared Your Victory

There is nothing in this world or any situation that should cause you fear. You need to laugh and scoff at those who are plotting and conspiring against you. The LORD has already appointed you as a king in Zion, and no counsel of the wicked shall stand against His plan. The divine plan to elevate you in your career and ministry will prevail. God has already set things in motion for your promotion, and nothing that they devise against you can succeed. Just laugh at them and trust in God’s power to bring their plans to nothing.

As Psalms 33:10 states, “The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.”

  • Rejoice and Give Thanks

Do not waste time arguing or defending yourself when people plot evil against you. Instead, give thanks to God and rejoice. Laugh and scoff at your enemies, knowing that God is in control and His plans for you will always stand.


  1. Mary

    Nice one, embracing our enemies and showing them love is a true reflection of what Jesus would have done if he was in our shoes. Thanks for sharing, keep writing

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